Ingredients Immersion Webinar Series: U.S. Dairy Ingredients for Healthy Nutrition

April 22, 2021


enjoyment of U.S. dairy across life stages

On April 22, 11am SGT (April 21, 11pm ET) USDEC will host a webinar on U.S. Dairy Ingredients for Healthy Nutrition Across Life Stages, the first in a series of Ingredients Immersion virtual programming from the U.S. Center for Dairy Excellence (U.S. CDE). Matthew Pikosky, Ph.D., RD, Vice President of Nutrition Research at the National Dairy Council, will provide a deep dive exploration of the multifaceted health and nutritional advantages of U.S. Dairy for youths, adults and seniors.

This webinar will detail nutritional benefits of dairy foods and their role in supporting a variety of health and wellness goals. Special focus will be given to the importance of protein quality and how dairy proteins distinguish themselves as a higher quality choice. The emphasis on differences in protein quality and its significance will provide Southeast Asian food and beverage manufacturers insight into U.S. dairy proteins' nutritional edge when compared to plant proteins.

USDEC members intersted in registering for the webinar may do so here.

Other wide-ranging U.S. CDE programs to help accelerate Southeast Asian food and beverage manufacturers' business growth and innovation success with U.S. dairy ingredients will cover a range of topics. To request additional information about this webinar or others in the series, please email Keith Meyer (