Turning Trends into Advantages with U.S. Dairy Proteins

June 2, 2021



Whether formulating business strategies or innovative new food and beverage products, understanding what's on trend and what's driving those trends is essential to success. During this USDEC webinar, Southeast Asian food industry professionals will explore how they can seize nutrition trend opportunities by including U.S. dairy proteins in their formulations.

Renowned food and nutrition trends expert Julian Mellentin, Founder of New Nutrition Business, will highlight the top trends in 2021 shaping consumer demand for health and wellness products, and how product developers and marketers can capitalize on these trends for business and competitive advantage. He will also discuss how these 2021 trends align with bright dairy protein innovation opportunities today and in the future, amidst a crowded and ever-evolving protein ingredient marketplace.  

Dairy ingredient specialist Mary Wilcox, Founder of Significant Outcomes, will also shed light on how and why U.S. dairy proteins offer food and beverage manufacturers the complete package of health, sensory, functionality, versatility and sustainability advantages.

To request additional information about these webinars, please email Keith Meyer (kmeyer@usdec.org).