Health and Wellness Ingredient Study Visit
May 20–24, 2024
Seoul, Korea & Tokyo, Japan
In May, USDEC is hosting a week-long member delegation visit to Korea and Japan, two high-priority export markets for U.S. dairy proteins with high consumer health consciousness and rapidly aging societies.
Coinciding with USDEC trade seminars in both markets as well as the International Food Ingredients and Additives (IFIA) trade show in Tokyo, this trade mission aims to foster member-customer engagement opportunities while driving end-user demand, usage and innovation with U.S. dairy proteins as a complete health and wellness innovation solutions package. Meetings throughout the visit will also work to raise customer awareness and interest in the expanding/evolving portfolio of high-value, U.S. dairy protein ingredients and fractions, emphasizing why the United States is best positioned to meet Japan and Korea's current and future dairy import needs.
USDEC members producing health and wellness dairy protein ingredients and fractions and other specialty high-value dairy ingredients will most benefit from joining the delegation visit.
For more information, contact Suzanna Stohr (
Preliminary Itinerary
- Arrive in Seoul
- Korean protein / H&W market overview and meetings
- USDEC Seminar
- Evening flight to Tokyo
- Japanese protein / H&W market overview and meetings
- International Food Ingredients and Additives (IFIA) Show
- USDEC Seminar (within IFIA show)
- IFIA show
- Visit Kiyota Sangyo to discuss/taste prototypes
- Return to USA