Member Alerts

UPDATE - Mexico Import Permits

This alert provides a further update on the March 30th Member Alert issued regarding the risk of import permit issuance in Mexico. 

USDEC has learned that due to the COVID-19 virus and its impact on Mexico, the Mexican Ministry of Health COFEPRIS Central Office, Mexico City will focus its resources on prioritizing the release of import permits for medical supplies to Mexico through April 20. Therefore, the processing of import permits for food submitted through this office for approval will be temporarily affected until April 20.

Until COFEPRIS Central Office resumes normal operations, USDEC recommends that members consult their individual importers/customs brokers to identify which regional/state office would be the most advantageous for processing import permits.

However, COFEPRIS regional/state offices will continue processing import permits for food as expected. Some delays may occur even at those locations, however, due to limited staff and the fluidity of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please see the USDEC Export Guide for Mexico for the listing of the specific points of entry is included.

USDEC staff in Mexico and Arlington continues to work with government and industry partners in the U.S. and in Mexico and will provide further updates to members as the information becomes available. 

Please contact Oscar Ferrara at or Jaime Castaneda at  if you have questions.