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USDEC Recommendations on China Fumigation Requirements for Zika Virus

In an effort to contain the spread of the Zika Virus, China has added the United States to a list of countries whose importers must fumigate carriers for mosquitoes. A certificate of fumigation is required.

Information has been coming from a variety of sources, some of it conflicting. What follows are USDEC recommendations for complying with a China Inspections and Quarantines (CIQ) notification requiring fumigation certification for imported products.  

USDEC bases the following recommendations for fumigation on a culmination of information provided by USDEC membership and USDEC's China Office.  

According to CIQ, all containers from the United States being exported to China must have a certificate of fumigation for the control of mosquitoes. But CIQ has not yet provided a standard format for the fumigation certificate.  

In the absence of specific requirements, USDEC recommends that fumigation certificates include: 

  • Container number/seal
  • Number/weight/pesticide
  • Name/date/temperature

The certification of fumigation must be issued by a professional pest control management company. Make certain the certification is issued on the pest control company's letterhead and is signed with a date.

If a U.S. company shipment left U.S. ports before August 5, there is no requirement to provide the fumigation certificate. However, if the importer cannot provide the required fumigation certificate for departures from a U.S. port after August 5, then CIQ will require mosquito treatment at the destination port.  

If members have questions concerning more specifics of Zika fumigation certification, USDEC recommends members contact the importer at the specific port to which members are exporting.  

USDEC will continue to actively monitor and advise members through the "Hot Topics" section of and through emailed member alerts, if warranted.    

USDEC thanks its membership for sharing important information. To provide additional information, or ask questions, contact USDEC's Matt McKnight or Jonathan Gardner at 703-528-3049.