Member Alerts

Vietnam No Longer Accepting Shipments if Accompanying Sanitary Certificate is Signed After Date of Shipment

USDEC has received notification that Vietnamese Customs officials are detaining every shipment that is accompanied by a sanitary certificate that is dated after the date of shipment. Exporters must have their certificates signed by the appropriate regulatory authority prior to the shipment leaving port. In November of 2012, the government of Vietnam began accepting the AMS Sanitary Certificate for shipments of dairy products destined for human consumption. Exporters are encouraged to ship products destined for human consumption using the AMS Sanitary Certificate and only use the APHIS VS 16-4 for products destined for animal feed in Vietnam. APHIS has posted guidance on their IREGS advising shippers that any certificate signed after the date of shipment is "ship at your own risk." In communications with USDEC staff, USDA indicated they will be unable to assist in getting detained shipments released if the certificate is signed after the ship date. USDEC recognizes that there are situations where it is difficult to obtain all of the information needed to completely fill out an application for a sanitary certificate prior to your products being shipped. USDEC suggests exporters apply for a certificate in time to have it signed prior to the product ship date and amend the certificate as needed once all of the information needed is available; both AMS and APHIS offer this service.

If you have any questions please contact Matt McKnight ( or Mitch Bowling ( at 703-528-3049.