Member Alerts

Vietnam Certification Requirements

USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service  (AMS) will no longer issue certificates for Vietnam once the goods have shipped. USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) has circulated a reminder that Vietnam requires the health certificate for dairy products to be issued prior to export. Therefore, the government of Vietnam will reject all shipments that do not arrive with certification.

As a reminder, Volume 2 of the USDEC Export Guide includes certification requirements for Vietnam. Specifically, the Vietnam Volume 2 Export Guide document notes the following:

  • Food shipments: The AMS Sanitary Certificate should be obtained for dairy for human consumption. All certificates must be issued prior to export
  • Feed shipments: The APHIS Veterinary Certificate VS 16-4 should be obtained for dairy for animal feed. All certificates must be issued prior to export

Please contact Sandra Benson at or Dacia Whitsett-Morrow at with any questions.