Member Alerts

Mexico Import Permits

The Mexican Ministry of Health (COFEPRIS) issued a decree Thursday, March 26, announcing the stoppage of all administrative operations (including import permits) and legal deadlines between March 27 and April 19 as the Ministry works to prioritize efforts to address the COVID19 outbreak in Mexico.  COFEPRIS's action may have severe consequences for the importation of dairy products into Mexico due to delays in the processing of import permits that would result from a complete cessation of all administrative operations unless additional flexibilities are granted. The information USDEC has gleaned from contacts in Mexico over the weekend regarding the decree suggests that the Mexican government has not fully thought through all the ramifications of this decree including its potential trade consequences.

To help remedy those concerns, USDEC has contacted high-ranking officials at USTR and USDA to alert them to this development and the threat to trade. We have urged the U.S. government to take steps to ensure that Mexico provides an alternative avenue to allow trade to continue. In addition, USDEC has contacted officials in the Mexican government this weekend to similarly alert them to this problem and urge a swift solution.

USDEC staff in Mexico and Arlington will continue to work with government and industry partners in the U.S. and in Mexico to address this issue; we will provide further updates to members as more information becomes available. 

Please contact Oscar Ferrara at or Jaime Castaneda at  if you have questions.