Member Alerts

Indonesia to review U.S. Dairy Plant Applications

In mid-November, the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services (DGLAHS) will be conducting a desk audit (review) of all dairy plant registration applications for dairy plants that are not currently listed on the Indonesian dairy plant list. USDEC members wanting to add plants not currently registered to export to Indonesia must complete the dairy plant questionnaire, including all required supporting documentation, and submit this packet to the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) office in Jakarta, Indonesia no later than Thursday, October 31. Exporters are encouraged to submit applications to FAS as soon as possible so that FAS may provide feedback on the content. Please note that FAS will not submit incomplete questionnaires to DGLAHS.

If you have recently submitted the questionnaire and supporting documentation for review and are awaiting approval, please ensure that you have provided all required information and documentation.  USDEC has developed "recommended responses" for members to reference when filling out the Indonesian questionnaire and provided information on the Indonesian requirements for Halal certification. This information may be found in the Indonesia entry for Volume 2 of USDEC's Export Guide, under the subsection "U.S. Dairy Plant Registration or Approval". To see whether your plant is already registered with Indonesia, please see the link to the list of registered facilities in the last paragraph of this section, or click here.

Please contact Sandra Benson at or Dacia Whitsett-Morrow at for more information.