Member Alerts

New China Sanitary Certificate

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is announcing the implementation of a new United States Dairy Sanitary Certificate to China. Manufacturers that export dairy products to China will be required to obtain the new sanitary certificate, which will facilitate more efficient dairy trade between the U.S. and China and reduce the regulatory cost to exporters. The new certificate issued by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) will become effective October 5, 2020.

The current interim certificate implemented in July 2020 allows for only one plant to be included per certificate. Current exporters that ship products to China that were produced at multiple plants are required to obtain multiple certificates, resulting in increased costs to the exporter. The new certificate will allow multiple manufacturing plants to be included on one certificate.

USDA will host a training webinar for all impacted stakeholders and interested persons on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, at 3 p.m. ET. Please see meeting information below. A link to the training webinar will be posted at  on the day of the training. If you have any questions, contact Eddy Fetzer at

Summary of China Certificate changes:

  • Layout changed and new information required
  • Up to 6 plants and 6 products for each plant now allowed on each certificate
  • Eliminated Size and Type of Packaging field
  • Enabling multi-selection of Species on check boxes
  • Total Net Weight and Total Number of Packages automatically calculated
  • Updating the existing plant information fields - (Establishment/License Number, Producer/Manufacture, Address) to a single column in a table grid.  Plant information auto-populated when Establishment/License number entered.
  • Re-framing the existing product fields - (Product description, Product date, Validity date) to table grid enabling the user to enter products associated with each plant
  • Adding new fields - (Number of Packages, Weight) to table in the form for each product

Webinar Information

Meeting Link referenced above that will be posted on our website next week is:

Topic: China Final Certificate in Edocs

Time: Sep 30, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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