New European Union (EU) Dairy Certificates Available for Use in ATLAS Beginning December 6, 2021

The Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) has informed USDEC that the new EU dairy certificates, as well as the associated transit versions of each dairy certificate, are scheduled to be added to AMS's ATLAS system on November 22, 2021. Additionally, AMS is targeting December 6, 2021, as the date it will begin processing requests to issue the new EU dairy certificates in ATLAS.

AMS has not yet provided USDEC with a specific date for adding the EU's new composite certificates to the ATLAS system. USDEC will keep membership informed as we learn more.

Due to the need to use AMS's ATLAS system for the new EU dairy certificates no later than January 15, 2022, USDEC strongly encourages companies interested in exporting product to the EU to set up an account in ATLAS if one has not already been set up. Additional information on ATLAS is available at

Please direct any questions to Bryan Jacoby at