
1058 results, sorted by Date | Relevance
Displaying 901 to 910 of 1058 records.
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  • Global Dairy eBrief Exclusive 04/25/2018

    Member Services > Periodicals > Global Dairy Ebrief Exclusives Articles > Archives > Global Dairy Ebrief Exclusive 04 > 25 > 2018 - by Katie Phelan

    Dairy ingredients are critical to the future of dairy exports. Ingredients constitute 81% of all U.S. dairy exports and protein ingredients tend to command a higher marketplace value. In supermarkets around the world, emerging plant-based ingredients such as pea, algae and hemp are appearing on in

  • Global Dairy eBrief Exclusive 08/31/2018

    Member Services > Periodicals > Global Dairy Ebrief Exclusives Articles > Archives > Global Dairy Ebrief Exclusive 08 > 31 > 2018 - by Nina Bakht Halal

    Middle East/North Africa (MENA) dairy import demand has come back very strong in 2018. In the first half of the year, imports of milk powder, cheese, butterfat and whey were up 17 percent from the prior year, and U.S. volume was up 75 percent. Here&rsquo;s an update in the key nations of Egypt, Sa

  • Global Dairy eBrief Exclusive 12/06/2018

    Member Services > Periodicals > Global Dairy Ebrief Exclusives Articles > Archives > Global Dairy Ebrief Exclusive 12 > 06 > 2018 - by Margaret Speich and Luke Waring

    The list of food companies running blockchain trials reads like an ag-sector all-star team: Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill, Dairy Farmers of America, Danone, Dole Food, Fonterra Cooperative Group, Nestl&eacute;, Tyson Foods, Unilever&mdash;to name a few. Tejas Bhatt, Walmart&rsquo;s senio

  • Global Dairy eBrief Exclusive 06/25/2019

    Member Services > Periodicals > Global Dairy Ebrief Exclusives Articles > Global Dairy Ebrief Exclusive 06 > 25 > 2019 - by Margaret Speich

    Crises happen every day in every industry in every country. They happen to the organizations best and least prepared to deal with them. For some, a crisis response may take just a few days to de-escalate; the effects of others linger for months, years and even decades. Dairy manufacturers, especia

  • Global Dairy eBrief Exclusive 02/05/2019

    Member Services > Periodicals > Global Dairy Ebrief Exclusives Articles > Global Dairy Ebrief Exclusive 02 > 05 > 2019 - by Nina Bakht Halal

    After a strong start to 2018, dairy purchases from the Middle East region slumped in the second half. In the August-November period, imports were down 16 percent, with a 26-percent drop-off in milk powder. The region&rsquo;s largest importers, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), saw t

  • News Release: 9/30/2022

    Newsroom > News Releases > News Releases > News Release 9 > 30 > 2022

    ARLINGTON, VA &ndash;&nbsp;&nbsp;The U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC), National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) and&nbsp;the Chilean Federacion Nacional de Productores de Leche (Fedeleche) today finalized an agreement that will facilitate better sharing of knowledge and information and foster coll

  • Member Alert - May 11, 2017

    Member Services > Member Alerts > Archived Member Alerts > Member Alert May 11 2017

    The government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will implement a new list of approved halal certifiers on June 1, 2017, the timing is expected to coincide with the new UAE Halal Mark.

  • News Release: 10/23/2019

    Newsroom > News Releases > News Releases Archives > News Release 10 > 23 > 2019

    ARLINGTON, VA -- Dairy industry leaders from the United States and Mexico met in Torre&oacute;n, Mexico, on Monday, agreeing to work collaboratively on 12 issues that will benefit the dairy sectors of both countries. It was the fourth annual meeting between U.S. and Mexican dairy leaders. The agreem

  • Member Alert - October 19, 2020

    Member Services > Member Alerts > Archived Member Alerts > Member Alert October 19 2020

    The European Union (EU) has published draft certificates for dairy and composite products that are potentially problematic. USDEC is reaching out to members now to ask for you to engage your importers and ask for their participation in the public comment period which ends October 26, 2020.

  • Mexico Issues Amendment to Labeling Regulation

    Market Access & Regulatory Affairs > Hot Topics Folder > Hot Topics > Hot Topics > Mexico Issues Amendment To Labeling Regulation

    The Mexican Government issued an Amendment to the Mexican Official Standard (Norma Official Mexicana) NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010

Displaying 901 to 910 of 1058 records.
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