
97 results, sorted by Date | Relevance
Displaying 81 to 90 of 97 records.
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  • Market Commentary 03-07-17

    Research & Data > Market Information > Market Commentary Archives > Market Commentary > Market Commentary 03 07 17 X8645 - by Alan Levitt

    In January, U.S. dairy export volume topped prior-year levels for the eighth straight month, paced by continued gains in sales of milk powder and whey products. Suppliers shipped 149,864 tons of milk powders, cheese, butterfat, whey and lactose during the month, 11 percent greater than a year ago. O

  • Market Commentary 04-04-17

    Research & Data > Market Information > Market Commentary Archives > Market Commentary > Market Commentary 04 04 17 - by Alan Levitt

    U.S. exports of milk powder, whey products and cheese trended higher in February, pushing overall U.S. exports to $438.4 million, up 14 percent from last year (and up 18 percent adjusted for leap day). Suppliers shipped 152,856 tons of milk powders, cheese, butterfat, whey and lactose during the mon

  • Market Commentary 05-04-17

    Research & Data > Market Information > Market Commentary Archives > Market Commentary > Market Commentary 05 04 17 - by Alan Levitt

    U.S. dairy exports in the first quarter of 2017 were up 14 percent by volume and 17 percent by value compared with a year ago - the best Q1 result since 2014. Exporters realized gains to nearly all markets and across nearly all product categories, with only butterfat and whole milk powder lagging.

  • Market Commentary 07-06-17

    Research & Data > Market Information > Market Commentary Archives > Market Commentary > Market Commentary 07 06 17 - by Alan Levitt

    Robust exports to Mexico, including record shipments of cheese, drove total U.S. dairy export value to a two-year high in May. U.S. exports were $508.9 million, up 34 percent from a year ago. Exporters shipped 169,648 tons of milk powder, cheese, butterfat, whey and lactose, up 15 percent from last

  • Market Commentary 08-04-17

    Research & Data > Market Information > Market Commentary Archives > Market Commentary > Market Commentary 08 04 17 - by Alan Levitt

    U.S. dairy exports in the first half of the year were the most in three years, led by record sales of nonfat dry milk/skim milk powder (NDM/SMP) and whey products, and a 24-percent year-over-year gain in cheese exports. Suppliers shipped 950,291 tons of milk powder, cheese, butterfat, whey and lacto

  • Market Commentary 09-06-17

    Research & Data > Market Information > Market Commentary Archives > Market Commentary > Market Commentary 09 06 17 - by Alan Levitt

    After 12 straight months of year-over-year growth, U.S. dairy export volumes declined July. Suppliers shipped 147,419 tons of milk powder, cheese, butterfat, whey and lactose during the month, down 1 percent from last year and the lowest since January. Exports of nonfat dry milk/skim milk powder (ND

  • Market Commentary 01-05-18

    Research & Data > Market Information > Market Commentary Archives > Market Commentary > Market Commentary 01 05 18 - by Alan Levitt

    U.S. dairy exports in November were the most in more than a year, paced by record shipments of whey products, strong sales of cheese and milk powder, and improved volumes of butterfat.Suppliers shipped 173,269 tons of milk powder, cheese, butterfat, whey and lactose in November, up 6% from last year

  • Market Commentary 03-27-19

    Research & Data > Market Information > Market Commentary Archives > Market Commentary > Market Commentary 03 27 19 - by Alan Levitt

    U.S. dairy exports continue to struggle in the face of strong competition and retaliatory tariffs in China and Mexico. Overall volume to China was down 41% from a year ago - including a 54% drop in whey shipments - while cheese exports to Mexico were off 20%.On the positive side, U.S. exports to mil

  • Market Commentary 05-09-19

    Research & Data > Market Information > Market Commentary Archives > Market Commentary > Market Commentary 05 09 19 - by USDEC staff

    U.S. suppliers moved record volumes of cheese in March, finding a growing customer base in South Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region and Central America. Ingredient suppliers realized improved sales to Southeast Asia as well. Overall, suppliers shipped 186,185

  • Market Commentary 08-02-19

    Research & Data > Market Information > Market Commentary Archives > Market Commentary > Market Commentary 08 02 19 - by USDEC staff

    Lost sales to China due to retaliatory tariffs and African swine fever, plus strong competition elsewhere from European and New Zealand suppliers, resulted in lower U.S. export volume in the first half of 2019. Shipments of milk powders, cheese, butterfat, whey products and lactose were 1.0 million

Displaying 81 to 90 of 97 records.
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